Our video observation tool is powered by VEO. VEO hosts and processes all data uploaded in this area. As outlined in our EULA, by continuing to use the video tool, you express your consent to VEO's Terms of Service. You can read more about their data security measures here.
We recommend, if at all possible, not filming the faces of students, so as to mitigate any potential safeguarding risks. However, if you need to, you must have consent of those being filmed, or their parent/guardian.
Your school or college may already have a relevant safeguarding policy in place, but should you need support with a template consent form, you can access some draft text about your use of the GTT and VEO here, or a separate consent letter template here.
In terms of your personal videos that you upload, they are private to you, unless you choose to share them with one or more trusted colleagues in the platform.