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NIoT ECF Programme
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Getting started - Induction Leads
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Great Teaching Toolkit Knowledge Base
NIoT ECF Programme
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NIoT ECF Programme
Getting started - ECTs and Mentors
Getting started - Induction Leads
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School environment and leadership
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Problems & feedback
NIoT ECF Programme
Queries specific to the National Institute of Teaching's ECF Programme
I’ve logged on as Induction Tutor, but there are no participants for my school in the GTT account.
I've added participants to the DfE portal but I can't see them on the GTT platform.
Some ECF participants haven't received their GTT login at a school, while others have.
When I click my registration link, it is showing "Link expired", and I'm unable to access the GTT.
Getting started - ECTs and Mentors
How do I get started on the Great Teaching Toolkit as a Mentor on the National Institute of Teaching's ECF programme?
How do I get started on the Great Teaching Toolkit as an Early Career Teacher (ECT)?
Getting started - Induction Leads
I'm an Induction Tutor on the ECF programme, and I'm not sure what the Great Teaching Toolkit is or how to get started.
How do I pair mentors and ECTs in my Induction Tutor account?
I am an Induction Tutor but also need to be a Mentor for an ECT as well. Is this possible?
Can I unpair a Mentor from an ECT?
As an Induction Tutor, can I conduct mentoring drop-ins on the ECTs in my school?
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Technical help
Trust leaders we work with would like to have overview of all their schools on the ECF programme. Is this possible?
I'd like to be Induction Tutor for more than one school.