Coordinators can use the dials on their Dashboard to gain an overview of when teachers reach key milestones in their GTT journey.
Below the dials, Coordinators are able to see the number of teachers at their school with an active Great Teaching Toolkit account.
There are six dials on the Dashboard and you can scroll left and right to view all of these. Each shows the percentage of teachers at the school registered on the GTT who have reached the following milestones:
- Introduction — the % of teachers in the school who have completed Section 1 of the Foundation Course.
- Foundation — the % who have completed the Foundation Course ('completed' is defined as 90% completed, to account for the optional lessons for leaders in the Foundation Course).
- GTT profile — the % who have created a GTT profile using the Model for Great Teaching survey (those teachers who have set up the survey, have had at least five students complete it, and have clicked "Complete" to generate their feedback).
- Element focus — the % who have decided on an Element (those who have selected an Element in the "Select focus" box on the "Development cycles" page).
- Started course — the % who have progressed into Week 2 of a teacher-level course. Some teachers start Week 1 in multiple courses to get a taster of the content before choosing one to work on. Using Week 2 as a benchmark for having started a course will mean this metric more accurately reflects the number of teachers who have actually chosen a course to work on.
- Completed course — % who have completed a teacher-level course.
The dials show teachers' progress since the beginning of the school's GTT subscription and are aggregated data, rather than data relating to any individual teacher.
The dials provide Coordinators with information that will help them identify when the key milestones highlighted above are reached, allowing them to support their group's journey through the Toolkit by knowing when each stage is largely complete.
However, the best way Coordinators can support their colleagues is by regularly speaking with them. In this way, they can get a far better idea of what staff are learning and the impact this is having on practice.